Using Video Self-Modeling as a Clinical Technique with Specific Learners
Post #4—October 2015
In previous blog posts, the use of video self-modeling (VSM) with beginning clinicians and then the use of video modeling with clients/students/learners were discussed in great detail. For the focus of this reflection, the specific use of VSM with learners across a wide range of areas will be described and made more functional.
Video self-modeling is best defined as using mediated video capture and playback to allow a person to see him/herself in action for the purpose of acquisition and refinement of specific targeted skills or behaviors. This is a more specific type of video modeling that uses the client/patient/student as the person performing the action. Video self-modeling can produce powerful results. Within VSM the client/student/learner becomes the model and is captured on video that is then used to playback so that they can witness themselves in action. Three main factors that support the notion of VSM as a powerful teaching tool include:
With all of this being said, it is clear that use of VSM holds great utility in helping a wide range of learners acquire and refine skills. As with production of video models discussed in the previous blog post, we should use VSM with careful planning and implementation. Some tips to consider include:
The use of VSM holds great potential and reward. The following list of citations are offered to show just a small subsection of speech and language specific application of VSM:
Bellini, S., and Akullian, J. (2007). A meta-analysis of video modeling and video self-modeling interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder. Exceptional Children, 73(3), 264-287.
Bray, M., and Kehle, T. (1996). Self-modeling as an intervention for stuttering. Behavior Therapy, 2, 129-150.
Cream, A., O’Brian, S., Jones, M., Block, S., Harrison, E., Lincoln, M., Packman, A., Menzies, R., & Onslow, M. (2010). Randomized controlled trial of video self-modeling following speech restructuring treatment for stuttering. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 53, 887-897.
Hargis, J., & Sebastian, M.M. (2011). Using Flip camcorders for active classroom metacognitive reflection. Active Learning in Higher Education, 12(1) 35-44.
Ingham, J. (1982). The effects of self-evaluation training on maintenance and generalization during stuttering treatment, Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 47, 271-280.
McGraw-Hunter, M., Faw, G, and Davis, P. (2006). The use of video self-modeling and feedback to teach cooking skills to individuals with traumatic brain injury: A pilot study. Brain Injury, 20(10), 1061-1068.
Ortiz, J., Burlingame, C., Onuegbulem, C., Yoshikawa, K., & Rojas, E.D. (2012). The use of video self-modeling with English language learners: implications for success. Psychology in the Schools, 49(1), 23-29.
Prater, M.A., Carter, N., Hitchcock, C., & Dorwick, P. (2011). Video self-modeling to improve academic performance: a literature review. Psychology in the Schools, 49(1), 71-81.
Schmidt, J., Fleming, J., Ownsworth, T., and Lannin, N. (December 2012; Epub). Video feedback on functional task performance improves self-awareness after traumatic brain injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair (Epub ahead of print).
Yingling Wert, B., and Neisworth, J. (2003). Effects of video self-modeling on spontaneous requesting in children with autism. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 5(1), 30-34.