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Video Self Modeling

Many of our SLP clinics are using VALT to observe sessions with their ASD clients.  VALT can also be used to as an effective method of teaching detailed below.

People with autism face challenges that can make learning some behaviors and skills a struggle. A common way to teach these skills and behaviors is to model them. However, there is another approach that can be even more effective. What if people with autism were able to learn by watching themselves perform these tasks? This method is called video self modeling and it’s continuing to gain traction. Want to know more about video self modeling and how to implement it? Keep reading to find out more about this method and how it can help.

What is video self modeling?

Video self modeling a form of visual learning. Using this method, individuals observe themselves performing a desired behavior or task successfully. They view themselves doing this on video and then imitate those actions. Studies show that video self modeling is particularly helpful for people with autism.

What behaviors is video self modeling effective for?

According to Autism Parenting Magazine, there are a variety of behaviors that can be modified with video self modeling. Here are some examples of behaviors and skills that can improve as a result of using video self modeling:

  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Classroom behaviors/Skills
    • following rules
    • reading fluency
    • reading comprehension
    • math skills
  • Independent Living Skills
    • dressing
    • food preparation
    • laundry completion
    • work skills
  • Verbal Stereotypes
  • Physical Skills
    • learning to swim
    • learning to step over obstacles
    • sports team skills
  • Social Behaviors
    • initiating play
    • initiating conversation
    • taking turns
  • Speech and Communication Behaviors
    • selective mutism
    • speaking with multiple word sentences
    • speaking in new environments
    • stuttering


These are just a handful of the behaviors that can be learned through video self modeling. Video self modeling can be used to show almost any task or behavior.

How to implement video self modeling

Are you thinking about implementing video self modeling? If so, here are the steps you need to take:

Choose one behavior

When using video self modeling, this first step is the most critical. Choose a single, positive goal behavior to start with and communicate with the person who will be using these videos. Then, find something that will improve their life or their skills. At this point, you can move forward with this specific goal in mind. For example, a specific goal might be learning to tie a shoe.

Plan your recording

Now it’s time to plan your recording. You may need to prompt the subject of the video to perform the task or help them with some portions of it. However, you don’t want to show any of this in the final recording. So, you should consider the best path forward based on the assistance you’ll provide. You might also choose to script the video. For best results, record the video in the same area where the task will be performed on a daily basis.


Next, you’ll record the video. Follow the plan that you created in the previous step to complete the recording. Make sure have footage of every part of the goal behavior or task from beginning to end.


As mentioned above, you don’t want to show any prompting or assistance that may have happened during the recording process. If any of that does end up on the recording, you should edit those parts out before showing the video.

Showing the video

Once the video is complete, consider the best days, times and environments to show the person the video. It’s important to be consistent with this and make sure that the right equipment to view the video is available. The individual may continue to watch the video as often as necessary.

Monitoring progress

As the person continues to watch the video, you should track and analyze their progress. If progress isn’t being made, reconsider what you can do or how things can be adjusted to help this person learn. If progress is being made, you can start to phase out the video, so that the person is viewing it less frequency. Eventually, you will no longer need to show the video.

What setting is video self modeling most effective in?

In a study done by the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder, video self modeling was used in home and school settings. However, the organization also states that it “may be useful anywhere there is learner access to viewing equipment.” You can try video self modeling in any setting. The way that the video is planned, recorded, edited and viewed has a lot of impact. This can contribute more to the method’s effectiveness than any other factors.

What is VALT and how can it be used in video self modeling?

VALT stands for video audio learning tool and it’s a software product by Intelligent Video Solutions. Using this software you can record, edit and review video. This can be useful in video self modeling because it allows you to manage the entire process with a single tool. Some of the features included are a clipping tool, search capability, and an offline player. VALT enables you to create your own videos and then store them in a user-friendly database. Whether you want to use video self modeling in school or at home, VALT can make each step simple.

Intelligent Video Solutions also offers BEAM which can create a secure mobile capture device on any iOS (apple) platform.  BEAM allows clinics working with ASD clients to capture VSM sessions out in the field (clients home) then bring them back to the clinic to be securely uploaded, edited and managed with VALT.

How do I determine if video self modeling will be effective for an individual?

Video self modeling is a proven, evidence-based approach that works for many people. If this is something that you are thinking about implementing, there are very few barriers. It’s easy to start the process and it doesn’t require a lot of time or equipment to put this into practice. Another benefit of this approach is that it’s versatile. It can be used to target different types of skills and behaviors. So, when it comes to determining if video self modeling is a good option, the best way to find the answer is to try it out. You can always modify the goals, recordings or viewing schedule.




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Our software empowers users to increase the effectiveness of their programs by leveraging the power of video. With over 15 years of experience, the team at Intelligent Video Solutions is dedicated to delivering excellence and can meet any challenge.
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