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IVS will be exhibiting at the AHME 2023 Conference at the end of April

Intelligent Video Solutions (IVS) is excited to be exhibiting at the Association for Hospital Medical Education (AHME) on April 26th-28th, in Austin, TX.

This annual conference brings together professionals from across the country in medical education. It will feature expert speakers, best practice presentations, education, and information on the latest innovations and developments, and of course tons of networking opportunities. 

AHME covers a wide range of Graduate Medical Education topics including communication with residents, the importance of specific DIO feedback to program directors to support program accreditation, mentoring research projects, how a program administrator is directly tied to program success, and GME leadership importance and many many more.

One of the emerging technologies and training methods is the use of video technologies. Video has been proven to be an effective learning tool that helps increase retention rates and keep students more engaged. When students are observed and/or recorded for skill assessments, video can help provide unique perspectives for both student and teacher. 

VALT is a purpose-built A/V platform for research, training, and developing skills. The VALT solution makes video observation and recording simple and effective yet provides powerful tools to meet all the confidentially and security needs.

It has been used for these applications in medical education environments and academic medical centers.

1. Resident Observation: Observation of residents providing clinical care.

2. Patient Observation: Enhance data analysis through video annotations, evaluation templates and
intelligent searches of research sessions.

3. Research: Improve teamwork and skills through observation and debriefing.

4. Simulation: Support patient safety initiatives by increasing live observation.

5. Surgical Procedures: Catalog cutting-edge techniques for future review.

Many administrators are using the built-in scheduler feature of the software, which allows users to pre-enter their recording sessions into the system, enabling VALT to begin recording automatically and stop at the time indicated by the user. All video recording sessions are tagged with “session data” which assists in categorization and allows users to locate any individual session with ease.

Once installed, VALT dramatically improves the user experience by freeing up both faculty to view live and recorded videos on any part of the network for which they have permission. Departments are able to reclaim physical space that otherwise was dedicated to equipment or often underutilized physical observation areas.

To learn more about AHME 2023 and view the full event details, click here.

Click the link below to find out how the right audio/video capture solution enhances healthcare training and higher education.

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About Us

Our software empowers users to increase the effectiveness of their programs by leveraging the power of video. With over 15 years of experience, the team at Intelligent Video Solutions is dedicated to delivering excellence and can meet any challenge.
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