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Exploring the Role of Video Systems in CSD Student Training

The field of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) is growing at a rapid rate. Skilled CSD professionals are more in demand than they’ve ever been, and the industry desperately needs more skilled and qualified individuals to meet this demand. 

With such a high need for CSD professionals in the field, CSD programs and educators have a heightened need to prepare students for careers in the field. Advanced video systems allow schools and instructors to do just that.


What Are Advanced Video Systems for CSD Training?

An advanced video system for CSD student training is a high-quality audio and video platform that allows instructors to observe students and patients in real-time. These systems make it possible to deliver feedback and/or go back and review performance after a session. 

Every video system is different, but they all share a few common traits. This includes video and audio hardware, integrated software, network security, and some sort of searchable database where recordings are organized and stored. 

In most cases, video systems require a camera to be installed in a room. Video is then transmitted to the software, which educators and training specialists can access for real-time and on-demand observation. As a result, CSD students are able to conduct sessions with minimal interruption. In fact, the patient might not even realize they’re being observed which ensures maximum integrity.  


The Benefits of Video Systems for Student Training

It doesn’t matter if you’re training to be a rehabilitation counselor, autism spectrum disorder specialist, speech pathologist, voice coach, child therapist, etc. – advanced video systems can improve the student training experience. 

  • Discrete. You never want people to feel like they’re being watched, which is why observers don’t typically sit in the room during a session. Video systems are sleek and virtually invisible. This creates a higher degree of authenticity and allows the CSD student to do their job.
  • Real-time feedback. Depending on the system setup, many video systems can be optimized so the CSD student receives real-time feedback from the observation team. This allows for faster application of new concepts. 
  • Unique perspective. Many students find it helpful to go back and review their sessions upon completion. Much like a quarterback watching film, video recordings let CSD students see where they excelled, where they came up short, and how they can improve.
  • High quality. Old systems were typically very grainy and featured low-resolution video. Today’s student training video systems offer high-resolution video and audio. This leads to fewer issues and provides more value for students and educators. 
  • Accessible. With cloud video recording, video feeds can be accessed anywhere. This gives students and educators more flexibility to review past sessions at their convenience.


VALT Video System for CSD and Speech Therapy

Not all video systems are created equal. Some video systems are general, out-of-the-box solutions, educators attempt to use for CSD applications. Unfortunately, this usually amounts to fitting a square peg in a round hole. If you are looking for a video system tailored to the requirements of a CSD program, you need to choose a platform developed specifically for speech therapy – a platform like VALT.

VALT, which stands for Video Audio Learning Tool, is a proprietary, feature-rich solution trusted by some of the leading CSD programs and speech therapy centers in the world. Over the past 15 years, the platform continually improves and advances to meet the changing needs of CSD programs. Here are some of the features that make it so useful:


HD Video & High-Quality Audio

The VALT system integrates with the latest IP camera technology to ensure crisp 1080p resolution. It also allows for the observer to zoom in and out. This is ideal for situations where it’s necessary to see parts of the feed up close. (For example, in a session with a stroke patient, you may want to zoom in on a handwriting exercise to study progress.)

Audio quality is also incredibly important. Not only does the VALT system use auto-gaining discrete microphones, but the platform ensures the audio is perfectly synchronized with the video feed (something that’s vitally important when studying speech issues). 


Talkback Features

Instructors have the ability to talk into the room and provide live feedback to any student using the browser-based software client. While this usually suffices for training sessions, student therapist can also be equipped with a small earpiece for more discrete feedback, if necessary.


Advanced Security and Airtight Compliance

The importance of advanced cybersecurity can’t be overstated in today’s marketplace. When we developed the VALT platform, we did so with the most advanced and rigorous security features in place. Not only that, but we’ve also taken strict compliance requirements into account. 

Our built-in security features are guaranteed to help your program or clinic maintain compliance with HIPAA and HITECH. 


Searchable Database

Don’t underestimate the power of having a searchable database. It might not seem like significant consideration when your program or clinic is small, but as you grow, you’ll find that it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain an organized video inventory.

The VALT system allows you to store and manage videos by student, date, patient name, or even therapy type. This enables easy lookup and review. And with robust “tagging” technology, you can inventory the same video in multiple “folders” with ease. 


Contact Intelligent Video Solutions Today

At Intelligent Video Solutions, we don’t just create video platforms. We develop advanced video systems that are specifically tailored to higher education Communication Sciences Disorders (CSD) clinics. Some of our current customers include the University of Georgia, Texas Woman’s University, Northwestern University, Buffalo State University, Brigham Young University, and the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. 

We invite you to learn more about the VALT system and see how it could help your CSD program, university, or clinic. Simply request a free demo, and we’ll get you set up! 

About Us

Our software empowers users to increase the effectiveness of their programs by leveraging the power of video. With over 15 years of experience, the team at Intelligent Video Solutions is dedicated to delivering excellence and can meet any challenge.
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